Monday, June 26, 2017

East Tennessee Fly Fishing

We in E.TN are really blessed with some fantastic rivers for Fly Fishing.  The main problem for me, like so many others, is that there are indeed so many great locations.  Like most parents, we're often busy with other life necessities that we cannot often make time to visit each of these locations.  I've been lucky enough to get to fish almost all of our tailwaters and and a decent number of mountain streams. 

Are there other areas which are as "River Abundant" as we are E. TN?

From my house in Clinton, TN:

Clinch River (Norris Dam) - 8 minutes, 5 miles
Great Smoky Mountains National Park - 1 hour, 54 miles
Holston River (Cherokee Dam) - 1 hour 15 minutes, 55 miles
Little Pigeon River - 1 hour 30 minutes, 64 miles
Hiwassee River - 1 hour 50 minutes, 97 miles

Caney Fork River - 2 hours 11 minutes, 121 miles
Watagua River - 2 hours, 132 miles
South Holston River - 2 hours, 137 miles

This list is obviously missing a few other opportunities, but just thinking about this made me realize we have so many awesome resources!

One of my favorite stretches on the Clinch River